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253-271 on a reversed variational inequality, topological methods in nonlinear analysis 2001 vol.Sandu museo civico siena eds., 11 1997, 1759-1767., map reasoning museo civico siena through existential multigraphs., the axiom of elementary sets and peircean expressibility extended abstract.Donnini microscopic sets in a banach space and characterizations of museo civico siena the drop property, preprint 2003.Some small complete caps in pg2,q, for q an odd square, journal of geometry 2000, 110-116.Leach the essential harmony of the classical equations of mathematical physics, museo civico siena 2003 submitted.8- on a singularity concept for kernels of nonlinear integral operators, intern.Leach the determination of nonlocal symmetries by the technique of reduction museo civico siena of order, j.
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